Gabba Mass

Gabba Mass
Performed by-
CategoryMisa (Sung Mass)

Gabba Mass Lyrics


  1. O Lord have mercy, *4
  2. Jesus Christ have mercy *4
  3. O Lord have mercy *4


  1. Glory to God in the highest
    Glory to God in the Highest
  2. And on earth, peace to men
    Peace to men who are God`s friends
  3. God almighty Father, Heavenly king
    We praise you and we bless you
  4. We adore you, we glorify you
    We give you thanks for your great glory
  5. Lord Jesus Christ only son of the father
    Lord, Lamb of God, Jesus Christ
  6. You take away the sins of the world,
    Have mercy, receive our prayers
  7. You are seated at the right hand of the father
    Have mercy, Lord Jesus Christ
  8. You alone are holy, you alone are Lord
    You alone are the most high
  9. Glory to the Father, glory to the Son,
    Glory to the Spirit, Holy one


  1. Mighty father I believe -
    oh yes Lord, I believe
    You created heaven and earth -
    oh yes Lord I believe

    Yes, yes, I believe, yes, yes, I believe

  2. I believe in Jesus Christ -
    Everlasting son of God -
  3. Equal in the father`s power -
    And through him all things were made -
  4. He it was who saved us all -
    And from heaven came down to earth -
  5. Of the virgin Mary born -
    By the spirit word made flesh -
  6. Suffered death was crucified -
    And he rose up from the dead -
  7. He ascended into heaven -
    And his kingdom has no end -
  8. In the spirit I believe -
    Lord and giver of all -
  9. With the father and the son -
    He is adored and glorified -
  10. I believe in the holy church -
    And one baptism I profess -
  11. I shall see him there in heaven -
    Living in the world to come


  1. Holy holy, Holy Lord God of hosts
    Heaven and earth are filled with your glory

    Hosanna, hosanna in the highest *2
    Hosanna, hosanna in the highest *2

    Blessed is he, Blessed is he who comes
    in the Lord`s name

  2. Oh Lamb of God,
    You take away the sins of the world,
    Have mercy, have mercy on us
  3. Oh Lamb of God,
    You take away the sins of the world,
    Have mercy, have mercy on us
  4. Oh lamb of God,
    You take away the sins of the world,
    O grant us, oh grant us peace